Christine loves the outdoors! She enjoys hiking and canoeing, and playing with her dog, Beau, who is a resident of New Hampshire. She has an interest in theater, occasionally participates in local productions, and likes working with stage makeup. She is an artist and particularly enjoys sketching both domestic and wild animals, mystical creatures, medieval items and cartoon-ish characters.
Hiking the Bartram Trail in the Tuskegee National Forest in Alabama
On Breakneck Ridge - Hudson Highlands, NY
Christine & Christy vs Wall Street Bull
Christine & Paul hiking in Yosemite
Her dog, Beau
An older version
Beau's buddy, Max Page last updated 07-07-08Home Bio Theater Reviews Interests Artwork Artwork 2 Artwork3 Theatre AUM
Paul Woodson Art By Fay Guestbook
Christine Lee, Christine E. Lee, hiking, canoeing, Bartram Trail, Tuskegee National Forest, artist, wild animals, domestic animals, sketching, Theatre AUM, Auburn University at Montgomery, AUM, art, artist, artists, NY artist, NY artists, New York artist, New York artists, art in New York, art in NY.