Montgomery, AL

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These photos are from our luncheon at The Young House.  The ALA-BLIND award was presented to our reading service at this luncheon and there were representatives from the local news media.  Our group received coverage in the Montgomery Advertiser, in a column by Alvin Benn, and there was coverage by two TV stations.

Montgomery Advertiser representatives, Alvin Benn and Maria Bussie, with Fay 

Don  presents ALA-BLIND Award to Reading Group as William and Fay look on.  Don's wife, Dot is seated to his right



Helen Baker, STAR representative, Louise and Steve listen to William speaking about the ALA-BLIND Award

Charles, Bryan and Evelyn 


Don, Cecil and Molly

Dr. Flinn speaks to the group as Evelyn, Rena and Jim listen


Jimmy, Debbie and Mary, several of our radio listeners

Karl and his son, Kenny


Kellie and Maria

Steve says good-bye as he prepares to leave the area


Steve and Charles listen as William speaks about the banquet for the ALA-BLIND Award

And one last photo, this is Rebecca and friends at a luncheon at the Sahara Restaurant

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Page updated 3-19-06